Do someone else beside me got interest in this character. why so small is covered close to even nothing. ??
Do someone else beside me got interest in this character. why so small is covered close to even nothing. ??
I was curious about whether Gilbert actually had some training by a witch to know how to keep Meridiane for all those centuries or perhaps he got the knowledge through drinking a witch's blood,
Great question !!! the legend tell us he stole the book from Arab philosoper he was living while studding in Cordoba.
He was using douther of philosoper named Jasmin (i bet 1001 nights was prototype) they make father drunk and then Gerbert take book and left ... what hapens to Jasmin is unknow. the real person i got hypotesis behind Meridiana iss Emperatrix Teophany who died aprox 993 year she is wife of Otto 2 who sudenly died too and mother of Otto 3 who same sudenly die. Teophany got bad realtions with husbands mother Adelaide !!! i got bad feleng on this Adelaide and Gerbert was interesting corespondecee booth same with Teophany and before with Adelaide !! in Meridanas Story the scene where Gerbert and Meridiana make blood contract is the way they mix blood togeteher and booth drink it kindaa maybe such exchange of souls and becoming one!!
The historic fact is after Gerbert and Teophany actyions there no more Otowan gene line !!! Teophany was brought from bizantiaa but she was fake princes jnot the rojal blood actualy she got unknow origin ... her uncle Tzimke kiled curent bizantian emperor and just uzurpate ... Teophany got Armenian origins kinda gipsy princess
Eat my flesh drink my blood !!! its not invented by Jesus such similar sentence ya can find in old sumerian texts on Godess Inana or known as Ishtar Astarte. kinda to get into club ya need to do such
P.s on book used to summon Meridiana i bet Lovecraft inspired from this story just copi pasta the Necronomicon and Mad Arab. to much similarities there. funny fact Gerbert got only one tractat on religious topic and the name was 'About blood and flesh of our lord` i not find it jet but i bet it is interesting paper :) sooo idewa on blood as medium for informationn not only as live juicee is reasonable yeah thankss i will research it more and if find something let ya know.
im not actualy claiming Jesus and Maria Magdalene was vampires buuutttt buuuttt there no smoke without fire :D
Thanks for answering my question!
Bonjour chers amis
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